Montessori Oamaru follows the Montessori philosophy of child-directed learning, focusing on a respect for the child and their ability to learn through discovery. Our early learning centre is calm, warm and inviting; with light-filled spaces and an open plan, natural design. We create environments that encourage your child to explore and be creative, promoting active independence and freedom of choice.
Our ‘Montessori family’ of teachers are present to observe and guide your child’s learning in a supportive and patient manner while ensuring the best possible environment for learning.
Your child’s learning experience with us will center around their own interests. The Montessori method puts the child first: in fact, ‘respect for the child’ is the first and most important principle here at Montessori Oamaru.
Stay up to date with what we’re doing here at Montessori Oamaru with posts on our Facebook and Instagram pages. If you join our Monty family we send out Monthly Newsletters and regular Educa posts and updates. There’s always something interesting happening in our community, and we’re always happy to share our experiences with you!
Montessori Oamaru,
6 Regina Lane, Oamaru North
Monday - Friday