Maria Montessori believed we learn through our senses.
Which is why sensorial is an important area of the Montessori classroom. The specialised equipment can be found in any Montessori throughout the world and is designed to help children learn about and refine their senses (Touch, Taste, Hearing, Sight and Smell). The sense of touch is the sense by which children learn most about their environment in the early years. Children learn the most by touching or doing rather than sitting and watching. Teachers will demonstrate how to use the equipment and will encourage the repetition and practice of the equipment. Each piece of material has been designed with a direct purpose in mind, again helping to build upon the foundations of prior learning.
The sensorial equipment is used to help introduce children to many of these concepts:
- Size
- Shape
- Colour
- Texture
- Temperature
- Weight
Each piece of equipment can also increase in its level of difficulty. This helps to build and develop children’s skills even further because every child is free to learn and develop at their own pace.
We will continue to discover more about the Montessori Philosophy as we count down to the Opening of Montessori Oamaru. Our next blog we will take a brief look at Mathematics.